Monday, August 12, 2013

Using Technology to Engage Students - #IDedchat July 30

We spent our second #IDedchat discussing using technology in the classroom to engage students.  I was attending the Idaho Association of School Administrators state conference, so I had some new tweeps tweeting live with me while I moderated.

We began the chat discussing WHY using technology is important in today's classroom.  The conversation ranged from: technology is part of student lives, so we need to meet them where they are; technology is integral to all jobs today, so we need to prepare students.

The theme throughout - it is not about the technology - it is STILL about instruction and what the teacher does with the technology.  Curt Rees shared a humorous photo - if pedagogy with tech isn't different, it is like slapping a car frame to a horse and buggy.  Thanks for the giggle Curt!

Participants in the chat shared tech resources they use and HOW they use them with students to raise the level of engagement. We also shared technology we could no longer live without - I asked for just one, but most had multiple tech tools!  :-)

We ended the chat with an app "smackdown."

Here is a link to an archive of this chat.  #IDedchat July 30

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